Almost famous

Posted on: July 21, 2008

This piece about Thread Den ran in Saturday’s edition of The Age in Melbourne over the weekend — lookie, I make a guest appearance! I find it pretty amusing to actually be QUOTED in an article for a change, seeing I’m a publicist and usually the one setting up interviews. Forgot to plug my blog though damn it! Guess that’s why I’m a music publicist and not a self-publicist.

Yikes, with that and the Burda Style feature member piece possibly running this week, I might be mistaken as one of those incredibly prolific, crafty blogger types like Nikkishell and Pip of Meet Me At Mikes who I always seem to be reading about. And after seeing how much my fave creative ladies Oonaballoona and The Incurable Homebody have been up to while I’ve been on holiday, I’m inspired to get off my butt and make up for 3 weeks of no postings.

So I hereby proclaim this week A WEEK OF CRAFTY POSTS! It starts tomorrow and I’m going to share with you the details of where I went fabric shopping in Paris and Lisbon, what I bought, my work in progress, bits and pieces I got overseas with my ‘project sewing room overhaul’ in mind. Fingers crossed I have enough to fill an entire week.

And then I might just follow that up with a WEEK OF GARDENING POSTS. Saw so many beautiful gardens overseas, especially the impressive dahlia collection at the Madrid Botanical Gardens.

In the meantime, for those of you keen to check out some of the photos from my European vacation here are some links because I’m not going to bore the entire readership and put them all up here 🙂 I think my photos of Paris and Lisbon are my favourites.

UK: London, Glastonbury Festival, Richmond

France, Paris: Paris Je T’Aime, Paris Bike Tour, Versailles

Portugal: Lisbon

STAY TUNED FOR: Portugal: Sintra, Spain: Madrid, Korea: Seoul

4 Responses to "Almost famous"

I SAW the article! And saw you mentioned in it, Miss Famous! :o)
I really have to check that place out!

Heehee! It’s much more exciting to hear when someone has read it off their own back and not just because I forwarded them the link 🙂

wait, i’m stupid, which one are you in the article? i keep looking for “moo”. heheh.

oh my god, you’re too funny! I’m right down the bottom. my christian name’s not Moo!! But my surname rhymes with it 😉

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